Dr. Janis Beckedorf

Law + Computer Science

E-Mail: mail@janisbeckedorf.de
Phone: +49 176 5515 2708



Law Smells: Defining and Detecting Problematic Patterns in Legal Drafting
Corinna Coupette, Dirk Hartung, Janis Beckedorf, Maximilian Böther, and Daniel Martin Katz

Measuring Law Over Time: A Network Analytical Framework with an Application to Statutes and Regulations in the United States and Germany
Frontiers in Physics (2021)
Corinna Coupette, Janis Beckedorf, Dirk Hartung, Michael Bommarito, and Daniel Martin Katz

Complex societies and the growth of the law
Scientific Reports (nature research) 10, 18737 (2020)
Daniel Martin Katz, Corinna Coupette, Janis Beckedorf, and Dirk Hartung

Analyzing high volumes of German court decisions in an interdisciplinary class of law and computer science students
In: Computational Legal Studies: The Promise and Challenge of Data-Driven Research, Ryan Whalen (eds.), 2020, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, Northampton
Janis Beckedorf, Dirk Hartung, and Phillip Sittig


Juristische Datenbank zum Dritten Sektor

by iusio

LegalTech tool by SMP: Onboarding Suite for investors
The SMP Onboarding Suite guides investors through the onboarding process, enabling an online-review of the investor information and "get help" functions should investors get stuck somewhere along the road. A set of paperwork will be generated at the end.

by iusio